Migrating away from AMG (AWS-Google-Azure) hosting, A preview into Kubernetes and it's benefits

Operations is a big cost to enterprizes & startups K8 services by Polydelic

K8 services by Polydelic, saving costs for enterprise and startup

In 2023 we managed to save our clients more than 60% on their hosting fees by porting them off traditional FANG company cloud accounts to multi-cloud portable solutions. Not only can we achieve higher SLA with node-pool redundancy but we can do this at a fraction of the cost.

Our main push for this was the high maintenance fees Google introduced across it's cloud services.

The benefits of Kubernetes to businesses is vast. Instead of vendor lock you with a typical AMG cloud provider such as Google, Azure or AWS; you now have a solution that can easily deploy and scale with any warehouse or solution you choose. It also gives you a lot more flexibility allowing you to deploy anything you want; we found that some FANG companies had some hard limitations that required messy and complex solutions, for example the pub/sub solution via Google Cloud isn't great.

Below is a preview for all those tech/business founders on how to easily setup a k8 solutions. The full guide would be 20ish pages 🙈. I created this to help people grasp the fundamentals of Kubernetes.

If you're not a developer, the below won't be so useful for you. Contact us if you want us to perform a hosting costs evaluation for your business.

Understanding K8 / Kubernetes

First things first, for the purposes of this tutorial we'll setup a basic ping/pong node api from scratch.

If you don't already have Docker, install it and activate Kubernetes. Kubernetes uses Docker images as a baseline in it's deployments. You can scale, and deploy docker image easily with it.

Docker and K8 at Polydelic

Make sure Docker is enabled

The next step is to install Minikube. What is Minikube? Minikube allows you to interface via the command line with the local Kubernetes cluster.

curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube-darwin-amd64 sudo install minikube-darwin-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube


minikube start

Check that it's working

kubectl get po -A

The usual way to interface with a K8 (Kubernetes) control plane is with "kubectl". For testing our API we're going to use a simple ping pong service. https://hub.docker.com/r/norlanliu/pingpong For a Kubernetes API there are a few different layers to consider.

Ingress Layer

When a domain hits your cluster, the ingress decides which service to send the data too. Ingress can come with lots of nice settings, like sticky affinity, redirects and much more.

Service Layer

The service layer is the layer that decides which pods to send the data too. A pod is a container that is running a docker image. A pod can have multiple containers, but for the purposes of this tutorial we'll just use one.

Deployment Layer

Deployment layer maintains, scales and boots images/pods based on a wide range of configurations.

Let's start with the ingress layer. The ingress external layer is usually setup via the hosting provider. They allow you to setup network pointers and adaptors to tunnel traffic based off IP. You usually select a static IP address for domain providers.

Inside Kubernetes we setup an ingress script like so

		// ingress.k8.yaml
		apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
		kind: Ingress
		name: web-ingress-1
		namespace: my-app
			nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /
		ingressClassName: nginx
			- host: my-domain.app
				- pathType: Prefix
					path: '/'
						name: web-service
						number: 80
We can deploy this with the command kubectl apply -f ./ingress.k8.yaml

The service layer

		// service.k8.yaml
		apiVersion: v1
		kind: Service
		name: node-api-service
		type: ClusterIP
			app: node-api-deployment
		sessionAffinity: ClientIP
			timeoutSeconds: 10800
			- name: https
			port: 443
			targetPort: 8080
			- name: http
			port: 80
			targetPort: 8080

We can apply this like so in the command line

kubectl apply -f ./service.k8.yaml

As you can see the service layer is pointing the 'service' to the correct destination via name based deployment, ports and much more.

The deployment layer

This is where the true heavy in Kubernetes happens, the other layers before were fairly light.

		// kubectl apply -f deployment.k8.yaml
		apiVersion: apps/v1
		kind: Deployment
		name: node-api-deployment
		# How many replicas of this deployment do you want?
		replicas: 1
			app: node-api-deployment
				app: node-api-deployment
			serviceAccountName: default
				- name: nine-pm-api
				# The ping pong docker image
				image: https://hub.docker.com/r/norlanliu/pingpong
					- containerPort: 8080
					- name: PROJECT_ID
					# We can add environmental vars if we wish.
						name: project-id
		# How will we scale our service, this is probably the most useful thing about Kubernetes, worry free scaling.
		apiVersion: autoscaling/v2
		kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
		name: node-api-deployment-hpa
			apiVersion: apps/v1
			kind: Deployment
			name: node-api-deployment
		minReplicas: 1
		maxReplicas: 10
			- type: Resource
				name: cpu
				type: Utilization
				averageUtilization: 80
			- type: Resource
				name: memory
				type: Utilization
				averageUtilization: 80

Same as before, but with a different file

kubectl apply -f ./deployment.k8.yaml

Now you should be able to ping the API

curl http://localhost:8080/pong/5

This is only a small preview of deploying a K8 service. The full guide would be long. I hope this helps in understanding K8 a little bit more.

Contact us if you want us to perform a hosting costs evaluation for your business.

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